May 8, 2018

A Return to Blogging

Some years ago I started this blog. The vague memories let me know that it did not last long, and I do not think there was much lost in its passing. The posts are all gone, I suppose I deleted them, or they got lost somewhere? Anyway, the important thing is that this is an empty slate.

Recently I have been thinking that I should start a blog, and I have been considering the ways to go about doing that. I happened to stumble upon this blog that I had forgotten about, and it seems like a convenient place to start. In the future, if this goes well (or rather, if I can stick with it), I will consider setting up an actual blog somewhere like Pizarro.

Welcome to my new adventure!



Peter M Lambert said...

I don't know what Blogger did here, but this should be listed as the first post (in April), and somehow the date got messed up!

Peter M Lambert said...

To add to the list of problems with hosting a blog on blogspot:

mircea_popescu: of course, i can't load blogspot "blogs" now that